CCIT Center of Excellence

CCIT, PTI's European Operations, is a comprehensive facility offering advanced Container Closure Integrity (CCI) services, as well as laboratory and demonstration capabilities for PTI Inspection technologies.

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Our Comprehensive Service Offerings

CCIT Training
Test Method
Helium Testing
Cold Storage
Sampling Plan


Feasibility Studies

CCIT offers feasibility studies to evaluate and determine the best CCI technology and test method for a specific application. Their mission is to provide customers with deterministic package integrity test solutions and support them in the implementation of complete CCI systems.

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Test Method Consulting

CCIT s.a offers complete package integrity test solutions by analyzing client needs and providing a detailed report with recommendations, technology solution, test parameters, and acceptance criteria.

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PTI Equipment Support

CCIT provides analytical leak detection services and expertise in package integrity testing equipment and applications for Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Food and Nutrition companies. CCIT also offers demonstrations on PTI equipment and CCI applications services.

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PTI's non-destructive tests ensure pharmaceutical drug delivery system's safety and quality amid regulatory scrutiny and innovation. This dedication to comprehensive inspection safeguards quality and integrity amid innovation and regulatory scrutiny.

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Medical Device

CCIT ensures medical device package seal safety and sterility with PTI's airborne ultrasound, the ASTM F-3004-13 validated method. Test Method, validated by PTI's inter-laboratory research, is highly effective for inspecting medical device package seals.

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PTI is a leader in the field of infant nutrition applications and provides guidance on the optimal pathway for packaging and product quality. With decades of experience in the packaging industry, CCIT s.a. offers invaluable guidance for optimizing package quality.

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Container Closure Integrity Testing

Traditionally, Dye Immersion and Microbial Immersion were the two leading methods for Container Closure Integrity Testing. Both methods are probabilistic and destructive test methods that require a significant number of sample units for validation. In 2016, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) released guidance stating that deterministic methods are preferred over probabilistic methods.

Deterministic methods are non-destructive and offer reproducible results. There are different methods of deterministic methods like vacuum decay, airborne ultrasound, high voltage leak detection that can be used for optimal detection of product-package specific applications.

As PTI’s affiliate, CCIT aims to provide customers with deterministic non-destructive technologies for container closure integrity and then provide full support in the complete implementation of CCI systems. All our testing utilizes PTI’s non-destructive technologies and test methods that are recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).

Please visit our office to learn about our CCI services and get acquainted with PTI’s technologies in person. Let’s meet to discuss the challenges you are facing and how we can help you achieve better control over your manufacturing processes. Our clients leave with more than just a test method or piece of equipment. We aim to educate and inform our clients as well as to develop the best-fit solution for your specific application.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Container Closure Image