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Sep 2022

Evaluating Snack Food Package Integrity with VeriPac Vacuum Decay Series

Evaluating Snack Food Package Integrity with VeriPac Vacuum Decay Series

The difficulty of maintaining shelf life for packaged snack foods never end. The majority of snack foods are oxygen and moisture sensitive. Package integrity issues can lead to mold growth, oxidation, taste loss, and spoilage. Leaks smaller than 10 microns can contaminate a product with bacteria, and comparable leak sizes might allow moisture or oxygen in. Snack foods come in a wide range of packaging types, but they all require package integrity assurance for extended shelf life.

Even a tiny leak in the container might cause microbial contamination or oxygen penetration, and traditional test methods may not be able to find such leaks. The sensitivity of the testing method is crucial for preserving the quality of the product during its shelf life. In this blog, we will discuss how VeriPac Vacuum Decay technology can efficiently leak test snack food packages.

VeriPac Vacuum Decay Series for Snack Food Package Integrity Testing

VeriPac Vacuum Decay technology is an ASTM-approved, FDA-recognized test technique with the ability to deliver reliable, consistent, repeatable, and accurate quantitative data. It is a non-destructive container closure integrity testing method that can identify micro leaks while taking into consideration a variety of packaging types, including filled and sealed rigid, semi-rigid, and flexible packaging composed of non-porous or porous materials.

Vacuum Decay leak testing is recognized as an efficient alternative for destructive testing techniques like water bath or dye intrusion because it removes subjectivity and lowers waste and costs. It is proven to provide a short-term return on investment. Critical packaging defects are consistently found by the VeriPac test systems, which also provide useful packaging process insights. The VeriPac Series will evaluate a wide range of high-risk packaging applications and ensure that the final product satisfies consumer and regulatory requirements. The suitable VeriPac model is chosen, based on the intended package type and leak test sensitivity. Depending on the application, configurations can be optimized and customized.

Working Principle

Under this technique, VeriPac leak testers are connected to a test chamber specially designed to hold the sample package. The package that has been put inside the test chamber is subjected to vacuum. A single or dual vacuum transducer technology is used to monitor the vacuum level as well as how the vacuum changes during a predefined test period. The existence of leaks and other defects within the package is determined by monitoring variations in an absolute and differential vacuum.

VeriPac Inspection System Benefits

  • FDA Consensus Standard and ASTM Test Method F2338.
  • Cost-effective and quick return on investment.
  • Simplifies the inspection and validation procedure.
  • Non-destructive, non-subjective, no sample preparation.
  • Supports sustainable packaging and zero waste initiatives.
  • Referenced in USP Chapter 1207.

Flexible packaging such as sachets, stick packs, and pouches, composite cans, and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) are common types for snack food packaging. For snacks like nuts, savory snacks, chips, crackers, cookies, beef jerky, nutrients, and granola bars, they provide the ideal packaging appearance. They offer shelf stability and simplicity of quick opening. While every packaging offers a different set of advantages and product appeal, every format also has a different set of difficulties for maintaining the integrity of the package and seal.

container closure integrity testing, container closure integrity, vacuum decay leak testing, cci technologies, ccit
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