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Oct 2023

Ensuring Quality Revolutionizing Coffee Packaging with Precision Control

Ensuring Quality Revolutionizing Coffee Packaging with Precision Control

In the early days, coffee was often packaged in simple sacks or bags made from natural materials, such as burlap or hemp. These materials were not very airtight, so they could not keep coffee fresh for long periods of time. Vacuum sealed packaging was invented during the 1900s. This packaging removes all of the air from the packaging, which helps to keep coffee fresh for an extended period of time. Vacuum sealed packaging is also lightweight and relatively inexpensive, so it quickly became the most popular type of coffee packaging.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards more sustainable coffee packaging. This trend is driven by concerns about the environmental impact of traditional coffee packaging materials, such as plastic and tin.

Overview of Coffee Packaging

Coffee packaging refers to the process of packaging and presenting coffee beans or ground coffee for distribution, sale, and consumption. Coffee packaging serves several important purposes, including preserving the freshness and flavor of the coffee, protecting it from external elements such as light, moisture, and oxygen, and providing information to consumers.

Coffee packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring that coffee reaches consumers in optimal condition, with its flavor and aroma preserved. It also serves as a means of communication between coffee producers and consumers, conveying information about the coffee's characteristics and the values of the company that produces it.

Integrity testing of coffee packaging ensures that the packaging is free of leaks and defects that could compromise the quality of the coffee. This is important to do, as leaks can allow oxygen, moisture, and light to enter the packaging, which can all degrade the flavor of the coffee.

Here are some of the benefits of integrity testing for coffee packaging:

  • It can help prevent coffee from going stale or developing off-flavors.
  • It can help protect coffee from contamination.
  • It can help ensure that coffee meets quality standards.
  • It can help reduce product recalls.
  • It can help improve customer satisfaction.

Quality Testing Using Vacuum Decay Technology

Vacuum decay technology is a non-destructive method for testing the integrity of coffee packaging. It is a Container Closure Integrity Test (CCIT) method with a proven capability of non-destructively testing packaging at the production line with unmatched reliability and sensitivity. Non-destructive testing not only allows a greater understanding of package quality, but also reduces waste as compared to destructive test methods. Waste reduction, in turn, results in a higher return on investment and brings operations closer to green initiatives.

Vacuum decay technology operates by placing sample packages in a closely fitting evacuation test chamber, which is equipped with an external vacuum source. Single or dual vacuum transducer technology is used to monitor the test chamber for both the level of vacuum as well as the change in vacuum over a predetermined test time. The changes in absolute and differential vacuum indicate the presence of leaks and defects within the package. VeriPac series is a practical alternative to destructive test methods and can precisely detect leaks as small as 5 microns, identifying process issues before they become critical, avoiding catastrophic quality deviations.

Benefits of Vacuum Decay Test System

  • Non-destructive technology.
  • ASTM Test Method F2338, FDA Consensus Standard and referenced in USP 1207 Guidelines.
  • Accurate, repeatable results.
  • Pass/fail results backed by quantitative test data.
  • Completely tool-less with no changeover to test different packaging formats.
  • Identifies which cavity is defective.
  • Eliminates destructive, subjective testing methods.

Vacuum decay technology is a valuable tool for ensuring the quality of coffee packaging. It can help prevent coffee from going stale or developing off-flavors. It can also help protect coffee from contamination. If you are a coffee roaster or retailer, integrity testing of coffee packaging is an important quality control measure that you should implement.

vacuum decay technology, vacuum decay leak testing, package integrity testing, cci testing, ccit
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